Conrail 7721 at Goodman Street Yard, Rochester, NY, September 17, 1999. --Otto M. Vondrak photo

This website was originally launched in the 1990s by Lester Wilson, and was later passed on to Mike Roque. It is now maintained as an archive of historical information about the railroads in and around Rochester, New York, current to about 2007 or so, without any significant updates. The site is now maintained by Otto Vondrak.

Hojack Line Photos 1970s
Various Rochester 1970s Scenes

The Picture Archive is online!

This page will always be an evolving work in progress -- corrections or additions are welcome. These pages will focus primarily on the infrastructure, operations, and history of the railroad in Greater Rochester. Originally, there were no plans to detail locomotives, paint schemes, numbering, former owners, or rolling stock history into these pages at this time since there are dozens, if not hundreds of well designed pages on the internet for that sort of thing. However demand, as well as renewed personal interest has allowed me to start introducing these features into the page. But, I primarily want to focus on why the railroad exists, where it goes, and what happened to it - in addition to the operational and engineering aspects of railroading. Enjoy these pages and thanks for visiting. -- Les Wilson

Copyright 2002-2024 - All rights reserved - material contained within this website may not be used without permission.